Found 6 blog entries tagged as Mid-Columbia Symphony.

mid-columbia youth symphony auditionsThe Mid-Columbia Symphony will be holding an audition for the youth on June 12 and 16, 2017, at 4:00 p.m., and on June 17, at 10:00 a.m. The venue for the June 12 audition will be at Shalom Church, at 505 McMurray St., Richland, WA. On June 16, it will be at the MCS Office at 1177 Jadwin Ave., Richland, WA and on June 17, the audition will take place at the CBC Arts Building. For more details, visit the Mid-Columbia Youth Symphony Auditions page at Mid-Columbia Symphony's website.

Mid-Columbia Youth Symphony Auditions for 2017-2018

The Mid-Columbia Youth Symphony Auditions is open to kids 12 to 18 years old who are student musicians and know how to play symphony instruments. Auditioners should know how to play any string instrument such as bass,…

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The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and WagnerThe Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Wagner will be presented by the Mid-Columbia Symphony on May 20, 2017, at 7:30 p.m., and on May 21, 2017, at 3:00 p.m. The concert will take place at the Richland High School Auditorium, at 930 Long Ave, Richland, WA For more details, visit the Mid-Columbia Symphony's website.

The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Wagner Concert

As part of Mid-Columbia Symphony's Circle of Fifths, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Wagner Concert is expected to be another grand performance that the audience will enjoy. Yje concert will give prominence to film music and opera choruses which the viewers will always remember. Special guests include the Mid-Columbia Mastersingers and the Mid-Columbia Boys' Choir.


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Mid-Columbia Symphony Presents Tchaikovsky's Fifth | Richlang WA High School Auditorium The Mid-Columbia Symphony is pleased to present the Tchaikovsky's Fifth on January 29, 2017, at 3:00 p.m. This event will be held at the Richland High School Auditorium which is located at 930 Long Ave., Richland, WA. For more details, please visit the Mid-Columbia Symphony's website.

About the Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony
The Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony will give prominence to the Mid-Columbia Symphony's 'Circle of Fifth' third concert. This event will feature remarkably colorful music exhibitions not seen in any other concert. Opening the show will be the Mid-Columbia Symphony playing Berlioz's Roman Carnival Overture. This event will also feature the Mid-Columbia Mastersingers on Polovetsian Dances by Borodin. Don't miss it!

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Mid-Columbia Symphony Presents Symphony No. 5 'Reformation' by Felix Mendelssohn | Richland, WAThe Mid-Columbia Symphony will continue with its presentation of the Symphony No. 5 with 'Reformation' by Felix Mendelssohn on November 5, 2016, at 7:30 p.m. This will be held at Richland High School Auditorium, at 930 Long Avenue, Richland, WA. For more details, please visit the Mendelssohn's Fifth page at Mid-Columbia Symphony's website.

About the Mendelssohn's Fifth Concert
The presentation of Felix Mendelssohn's music is a part of the Mid-Columbia Symphony's 'Circle of Fifths'. The choral tune 'A Mighty Fortress is our God' will be used in this concert. 'A Mighty Fortress is our God' is a masterpiece of Martin Luther which was written about 300 years prior to Mendelssohn's composition. This concert will feature Andy Hudson, a Virtuoso Clarinetist…

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Mid-Columbia Symphony Presents Beethoven's Fifth Concert - Extraordinaire Music Extravaganza in Richland, WAThe Mid-Columbia Symphony will present the Beethoven's Fifth Concert on October 1, 2016, at 7:30 p.m. This will be held at the Richland High School Auditorium at 930 Long Ave., Richland, WA. For more details please visit the Beethoven's Fifth Concert page at Mid-Columbia Symphony's website.

About the Beethoven's Fifth Concert
The Mid-Columbia Symphony is starting off the season with the 'Circle of Fifths' event. It will feature the Symphony No. 5 by Ludwig van Beethoven, which is considered a much-loved symphony in the repertoire. This concert will also give prominence to other types of music like Grofe's Grand Canyon Suite and Copland's Fanfare for the Common Man. The Beethoven's Fifth Concert is an exciting music event that aims to contribute to the…

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Mid-Columbia Symphony's Nationalism Concert | Richland, WA The Mid-Columbia Symphony is proud to present the Nationalism Concert on January 31, 2016. Nationalism will start at 3:00 p.m. and will be held at the Richland High School Auditorium which is located at 930 Long Ave., Richland, WA. The Nationalism Concert will feature the Symphony No. 2 by Subelius, New England Triptych by Schuman and Sones de Mariachi by Galindo. For more details, visit the Mid-Columbia Symphony's website.

About Mid-Columbia Symphony
The Mid-Columbia Symphony is now on its 70th year. It already plays a vital role in the culture of the Mid-Columbia region. The Mid-Columbia Symphony aims to serve the region with live orchestral performances that are first-rate in quality.

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