Found 1 blog entry tagged as Miche.

Miche Bingo | Pasco, WA Come join the Miche Bingo on February 2, 2016. Miche Bingo will be held at the Round Table Pizza, 3201 West Court St., Pasco, WA. Miche Bingo will start at 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. For more details, visit Miche's website.

Miche Bingo
The Miche Bingo is an event nobody should miss. Miche will be revealing its Spring line and guests can shop without limit. One of the attendees will be asked to be the Mystery Hostess. Freebies will be given out and a chance to bring how a Miche Hip Bag. To get a golden ticket and have the chance to win the Miche Hip Bag, RSVP is necessary. Have 5 tickets and be a Hostess!

About Miche
Miche started in 2007. It has made a name not just in the United States of America but all around the world! Miche was launched with its…

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