Found 3 blog entries tagged as McNary Wildlife Refuge.

McNary Wildlife RefugeThe Winter Birds Event at McNary's Wildlife Refuge will be a lot of fun and very relaxing. We've enjoyed some family time at the refuge and appreciate the serenity the center offers. When the cold weather becomes to unbearable, then the warmth and hot drinks on the inside awaits you.

The Winter Birds event is at the McNary Environmental Education Center on Saturday, February 8 between 9am & 12noon. From McNary's flyer:

Discover McNary’s abundance of ducks, swans, geese and other birds of the Mid-Columbia. Blue Mountain Wildlife of Pendleton will be at McNary with live raptors. Videographer Gaylord Mink will show his wonderful wildlife films. There will be hands-on activities and nature hikes. Afterward, join the Friends of the Mid-Columbia River…

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The McNary Wildlife Refuge offers many events and educational classes for Tri City Washington area residents. These events are free and open to the public unless otherwise stated.

Make a Difference Day
On Saturday, October 23 the wildlife refuge will be holding Make a Difference Day at Goethals Park Nature Playground in Richland Washington. The day will begin at 9:00am and go until 1:00pm. Those who come will be able to participate in planting native plants, building play structures, spreading ground cover, and family fun hands-on activities.

Second Saturday: Wildlife Films
On November 23, Friends of Mid-Columbia River Wildlife Refuge will be showing wildlife films from 9:00am to 12:00pm. They’ll pop the popcorn while you enjoy the movies!

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The McNary National Wildlife Refuge Environmental Education Center will be hosting artist Eileen Klatt, Salmon Pilgrim, this Saturday October 2 at 2:00pm. Eileen Klatt will demonstrate her watercolor techniques and discuss her Litany of Salmon project. While there you can also learn about the McNary National Wildlife Refuge’s Environmental Education program as well as their Second Saturday events. There will also be an opportunity for you to try your hand at gyotaku, a form of fish printing, and other nature crafts. Light refreshments will be available for your enjoyment.

A Litany of Salmon is an invocation to the millions of Salmon that once thrived in the Columbia River Basin and are now extinct. Inspired by plummeting salmon populations in the…

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