Found 1 blog entry tagged as leadership event.

Columbia Community Church Presents The Columbia Community Church will be presenting the "Leadercast" on May 6, 2016, from 8:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. The Columbia Community Church, where the Leadercast will be held, is located at 150 Gage Boulevard, Richland, WA. Please visit the Columbia Community Church's Facebook Page to know more about the event.

About the Leadercast
The Leadercast is regarded as one of today's biggest leadership affairs. This event features the best leaders in the world who interact with over 100, 000 heads, managers, commanders and persons-in-charge of various companies and organizations. The Leadercast helps the participants to understand and learn how to better their capabilities for the good of the company and community they serve.

The Leadercast at the…

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