Found 3 blog entries tagged as Jog.

run for ribbonsRun for Ribbons will be held on May 6, 2017, at 8:30 a.m. The event will take place at Howard Amon Park, at 50 Lee Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the Run for Ribbons page on Facebook.

About 'Run for Ribbons'
Run for Ribbons will be hosted by Warrior Sisterhood. The event is a fundraising gathering that will benefit the Tri-Cities Cancer Center. Run for Ribbons will feature 1-mile, 5k, and 10 k events but participants can run, jog, or walk.

Part of the program will be a presentation of entertaining performances which will start at 8:30 a.m. At 9:45 a.m. the warm-up exercises will take place, followed by the race/walk events at 10:00 a.m. Don't miss it!

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Run For Rice At The Bethel Church In Richland, WashingtonThis coming Saturday, May 9 Agape International mission supports the Run for Rice Race at the Bethel Church, 600 Shockley Road in Richland, Washington. Race check will be on Friday, May 8th from 6:00 to 7:00 in the evening or Saturday, May 9 from 8:00 to 8:45 in the morning. The race begins at 9:00 in the morning on Saturday.

More About the Event
Walk, jog or run to help provide much needed rice and food items to the people in Cambodia. Choose from 5 K, 10K or 1 mile. will go to Agape International Missions (AIM) to fight hunger, human trafficking, restore victims, and transform communities. 

AIM’s mission is to fight hunger, human trafficking, restore victims and transform communities. If running is not for you, you can still support AIM by…

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Annual Kingspoint Kolor Run Fundraiser In Pasco, WashingtonThis coming Saturday, September 27 there will be a fun run at 7900 W. Court St. in Pasco, Washington - the Kingspoint Kolor Run Fundraiser. If you want to join the event and help, you can register at the location beginning 7:30 in the morning. Kolor Run begins at 8:30 in the morning.

Details of the Kingspoint Kolor Run Fundraiser
A community registration fee will be collected upon signing up amounting to $20.00. The event is an annual fundraiser that is enjoyable, fun, amusing, color filled, run/jog/walk-a-thon! Those who cross the finish line will be showered with bio-safe colored powder.

The Kolor Run event will be held from the Kingspoint school campus with two routes. One route will be on the grassy field for the younger children where 6 laps…

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