Found 1 blog entry tagged as Joe Batt.

Columbia Basin College Presents 'In the Cloud' and Joe Batt: An Exhibit of Figurative Ceramic Sculpture and Drawing | Pasco, WAThe Columbia Basin College Arts and Humanities is pleased to present In the Cloud and artist, Joe Batt, until December 9, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. This exhibit will be held at the Esvelt Gallery Columbia Basin College, at 2600 N.20th Ave., P. Building, Pasco, WA, For more details, please visit the In the Cloud news page at CBC's website.

About 'In the Cloud'
In the Cloud started out on November 7 and will run until the 9th of December. It will feature the works of the artist Joe Batt, who is also a professor of art at the South Puget Sound Community College. Joe's artworks give prominence to a combination of figurative ceramic sculpture and drawing featuring an array of surfaces like wood, paper, and walls. Joe makes use of a variety of art materials and…

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