Found 1 blog entry tagged as Jam Night.

Emerald of Siam's Jam Night with Vaughn Jensen in Richland, WAIt's Jam Night with Vaughn Jensen at the Emerald of Siam Thai Restaurant and Lounge on January 25, 2016. Vaughn Jensen's live performance will start at 8:00 p.m. The evening will surely be an amusing one given Vaughn's superb performance. For more information, visit the Emerald of Siam's website.

Vaughn Jensen and His Band
Vaughn Jensen plays with the band with co-members Perry Roper on guitar, Kelin Kreider on bass and backup vocals and Emilio Cabrales on drums. Vaughn is the band's lead vocals and he also plays the guitar. The Vaughn Jensen Band's genre is basically the Texas Style Blues. In 2013, the band was founded and from then on, the Vaughn Jensen band did not stop making the audience tap their tops with their high energy rhythm and blues melodies.

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