Found 1 blog entry tagged as Goodwill Collection Fundraiser.

Goodwill Collection FundraiserGoodwill Collection Fundraiser will be held on March 13 until March 17, 2017. The fundraiser will take place at 1250 Kensington Way, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the Goodwill Collection Fundraiser page on Facebook.

About the Goodwill Collection Fundraiser
Goodwill Collection Fundraiser will be hosted by White Bluffs Elementary Parent Teacher Organization. The fundraiser will run for one week, concurrent with the conference of the organization.

Donors are advised to take their donations to the Goodwill Trailer, which will be in the parking lot of White Bluffs Elementary. For every pound of donated items, the school gets $.10 to be used for its programs. Don't miss this chance to be engaged in an act of charity! 

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