Found 2 blog entries tagged as Glow Show.

wearable awesomenessConfluent Space Tri-Cities is inviting kids 12 years old and above to join the Wearable Awesomeness Electronic Glowing Badge event on September 9, 2017. The activity will be from 10:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m., at 285 Williams Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the website of Confluent Space Tri-Cities.

Wearable Awesomeness: Electronic Glowing Badge | The Glow Show Mania

To continue the Glow Show mania, Confluent Space Tri-Cities will conduct a workshop on wearable circuit board, made of LEDs, and sensors. Apart from learning how this awesome piece is made, participants also get to bring home a badge they can wear to any event they will attend. Participants are advised to bring a computer since installing software will be required.…

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glow show imageConfluent Space Tri-Cities will host the Glow Show 2017 and proposals and submissions for this event will be due on September 9, 2017, until 9:00 p.m. Confluent Space Tri-Cities is located at 285 William Boulevard, Richland, WA. For inquiries, call 509-371-9267 or visit the website of Confluent Space Tri-Cities.

The Glow Show - Glowing Art Technology and Performances

The Glow Show 2017 will take place on September 23. The event will feature art and performances that glow. Participants are advised to be unique and creative and come up with ideas that will awe the audience. Any element that glows, or something with luminous color can create a truly beautiful visual presentation when combined with a form of art or a well-conceptualized performance.

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