Found 1 blog entry tagged as Franklin County Fire District 3.

smoke and fireSmoke-N-Fire BBQ Fundraiser will be held on September 9, 2017, from 7:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The event will take place at Columbia Valley Grange #938, at 6300 W Court St., Pasco, WA. For more details, call 509-727-3290.

Smoke-N-Fire BBQ Fundraiser | FCFD3 Benefit Event

The Smoke-N-Fire BBQ Fundraiser is an event dedicated to the FCFD3 or Franklin County Fire District #3. It is a community cook-off affair that also provides public education. Proceeds from the Smoke-N-Fire BBQ event will be used for the programs of FCFD3. 

The Franklin County Fire District 3 is dedicated to protecting the community members, as well as their property. It is a provider of protection in case of fire and assures the public that there will be emergency medical services…

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