Found 6 blog entries tagged as Engineering.

paper architectureThe Mid-Columbia Libraries is pleased to present the Paper Architecture event on July 5, 2017, from 4:00 p.m. to 4:50 p.m. The event will take place at the Mid-Columbia Libraries - Pasco Branch, located at 7525 Wrigley Drive. For more details, visit the Paper Architecture page at Mid-Columbia Libraries' website.

Paper Architecture: Training the Little Engineers and Architects

Paper Architecture is a Mid-Columbia Libraries event designed for kids ages 6 to 12 years old. This elementary adventure will expose kids to a variety of challenges which the little ones can only resolve with creative thinking using paper and recycled materials.

Paper Architecture is an innovative concept which exposes kids to active learning. It aims to encourage the little…

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science on wheelsThe Mid-Columbia Libraries is pleased to present the Science on Wheels event featuring Engineering on June 27, 2017, from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. The event will take place at the West Pasco Branch, located at 7525 Wrigley Drive, Pasco, WA. For more details, visit the Science on Wheels: Engineering page at Mid-Columbia Libraries' website.

Science on Wheels: Engineering | Fun Design and Build Activities for Kids

Science on Wheels is open to kids of all ages. Participants get to explore the concept of engineering through fun and exciting hands-on exhibits. Included in the activities are exploring design circuits, building bridges, and constructing gear systems. Through the Science on Wheels event, the kids will have an idea how the engineers perform…

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Family Engineering - Water Fun At The Richland Public Library Richland, WashingtonFamily Engineering is a valuable resource for providing informal engineering learning experiences to elementary age children and their families. This coming Saturday, July 11 there will be a water fun event at the Richland Public Library, 955 Northgate Drive in Richland, Washington at 10:00 in the morning. All critical thinkers and problem solvers are invited to attend.

Details of the Family Engineering Event
Family Engineering is an event where families engaged in fun, hands on activities, learning about what engineers do and the role engineers do in their everyday life. It also allows families to discover the many career opportunities in engineering. The target age range for this activity is elementary to middle school students. All members of the…

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Camp Invention At Delta High And Mid-Columbia Partnership Kennewick and Richland, WashingtonRegister your child and give them a chance to imagine, tinker and invent prototypes that they can take home with them this summer! The Illuminate curriculum features five energetic and fun-filled modules that incorporate Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) activities.

Camps will be held at:
June 15-18 at Delta High
 July 13-17 at Mid-Columbia Partnership

This is for kids entering grades 3-6.

Inducted will provide your child with:

  • New role models from accomplished innovators and a real-world example of the journey to get into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.
  • Hands on experience to better understand how shape and structure influence a building’s strength and physical integrity through a materials science investigation.

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McLoughlin Middle School invites everyone for their "STEM to STEAM" Spring Break Camp from March 31 to April 3. Camp will be from 9:00 in the morning until 12:00 noon daily.

Details of the Event
The camp is offered by Washington State University and 21st Century Community Learning Center and has the following featured activities:

*Cooking class
*Dry Ice Experiments
*Drama with ACT Theater
*Bottle Rockets
*plus much more!

Note: Open and free to 6th, 7th and 8th grade McLoughlin students, only. McLoughlin Middle School is located at 2803 Road 88 Pasco, Washington.

Call Site Coordinator , Shannon Horne 547-4542 x4590 to register. or go to

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