Found 4 blog entries tagged as downtown Kennewick.

1st kennewick market of the yearThe Historic Downtown Kennewick Farmers Market is glad to present the 1st Kennewick Market of the Year on June 1, 2017. Shoppers get to enjoy the market beginning at 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. The Historic Downtown Kennewick Farmers Market is located at 124 W Kennewick Ave., Kennewick, WA. For more details, visit the First Kennewick Market of the Year page on Facebook.

The 1st Kennewick Market of the Year: Fill Shopping Bags With Fresh Crops

Community members are invited to join the celebration of the return of the market in Downtown Kennewick. Families get to shop for fresh fruits and vegetables, and other great products such as arts and crafts. There will be live music to keep the shoppers in the mood. Performing on this day is Ruben G, who will…

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'Discover the Charms' 2016 - Beautiful Charms Up for Grabs at Reasonable Prices | The Historic Downtown Kennewick'Discover the Charms' of the Historic Downtown Kennewick will take place at 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on May 5 and 6, 2016, and at 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on May 7, 2016. 'Discover the Charms' will begin at the Downtown Kennewick Business Center at 124 W. Kennewick Ave., Kennewick, WA. Kindly visit the website of Historic Kennewick for more information.    About Discover the Charms Discover the Charms is an annual event packed with fun activities that people, especially those who are fond of charms, will enjoy. There will be charm bracelets for sale at only $5. Several merchants will participate and the guests will receive a map to know about the vendors in attendance. Participants who are able to visit all of the merchants will get the chance to…

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16th Annual Classy Chassy Show & Shine Downtown Kennewick, WashingtonCome to Downtown Kennewick on Friday, May 8 and Saturday, May 9 for the 16th Annual Classy Chassy Show & Shine. This is one event you shouldn't really miss.

About the Annual Classy Chassy Show & Shine
The Historic Downtown Kennewick Partnership is proud to announce the 16th Annual Classy Chassy Show & Shine in Historic Downtown Kennewick. This year the Partnership will play host to over 200 cars as their owners turn out to display their treasured automotive classics.

The festivities will begin Friday night at Overturf Motors located at 1016 W. Columbia Drive at 6:00 in the evening with a poker run and a “Blues & Brew” concert at Clover Island Inn. Concert tickets will be $15 for pre-registration of your car or $20 at the door.

Saturday will be the…

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Carbon Nation – A Documentary Film about Climate ChangeAre you looking for a fun activity to jumpstart your Valentine’s Day celebration? Then head out to Historic Downtown Kennewick for “Discover the Charms” on February 6, 7, and 8, from 11AM to 6PM.

Charms at the Downtown
Spend a few hours strolling through downtown Kennewick and visiting different businesses that are directly involved in the event. You just might be eligible to win gift certificates to downtown stores of your choice or take part in other draws for a chance to win amazing prizes.

The event kicks off at the lobby of the Downtown Kennewick Business Center. Entrance fee is $5.00, but you will receive a lovely charm bracelet along with a map of participating businesses. You could try collecting all 25 free charms from participating…

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