Curves: Celebrating the Wonderful Years Making Women Strong in Richland WA
Posted by Colleen D. Lane on
Curves will be celebrating its 25th birthday and the community members are all invited to join the fun on September 28, 2017, beginning at 6:00 a.m. The celebration will take place at 1364 Jadwin Ave., Richland, WA. For more details, call 509-943-2077 or email at
Curves: Celebrate 25 Years of Making Women Strong
Curves' celebration of its 25th birthday will feature goodies, a raffle, and games for both members and non-members. Attendees get to meet fellow fitness enthusiasts in this event, too!
Curves is an international company that carries fitness centers specializing in women customers in different parts of the world. Its fitness facilities were all crafted for women users. Curves makes use of a practical approach…
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