Found 56 blog entries tagged as Confluent Space Tri-Cities.

the glow showConfluent Space Tri-Cities will present the Glow Show on September 23, 2017. The show will be from 6:00 p.m. until 11:30 p.m. Confluent Space Tri-Cities is located at 285 Williams Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, call 509-371-9276.

The 2nd Annual Glow Show: Giving Prominence to Art, Music, and Tech

The 2nd Annual Glow Show is a fundraising event of which proceeds will be used to continue the programs of Confluent Space Tri-Cities which is a non-profit organization. Attendees are advised to wear black light reactive clothes and costume and put on some make-up with the same characteristics to further enjoy the glow of the event! There will be great music all throughout the event, as well as tasty foodies for everyone to share! The Glow Show…

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wearable awesomenessConfluent Space Tri-Cities is inviting kids 12 years old and above to join the Wearable Awesomeness Electronic Glowing Badge event on September 9, 2017. The activity will be from 10:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m., at 285 Williams Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the website of Confluent Space Tri-Cities.

Wearable Awesomeness: Electronic Glowing Badge | The Glow Show Mania

To continue the Glow Show mania, Confluent Space Tri-Cities will conduct a workshop on wearable circuit board, made of LEDs, and sensors. Apart from learning how this awesome piece is made, participants also get to bring home a badge they can wear to any event they will attend. Participants are advised to bring a computer since installing software will be required.…

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glow show imageConfluent Space Tri-Cities will host the Glow Show 2017 and proposals and submissions for this event will be due on September 9, 2017, until 9:00 p.m. Confluent Space Tri-Cities is located at 285 William Boulevard, Richland, WA. For inquiries, call 509-371-9267 or visit the website of Confluent Space Tri-Cities.

The Glow Show - Glowing Art Technology and Performances

The Glow Show 2017 will take place on September 23. The event will feature art and performances that glow. Participants are advised to be unique and creative and come up with ideas that will awe the audience. Any element that glows, or something with luminous color can create a truly beautiful visual presentation when combined with a form of art or a well-conceptualized performance.

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mixed media canvas imageConfluent Space Tri-Cities is pleased to present the Mixed Media Collage Canvass on August 27, 2017. The art activity will run from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Confluent Space Tri-Cities is located at 285 Williams Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the website of Confluent Space Tri-Cities.

Mixed Media Collage Canvass: Exploring Different Art Techniques & Materials

Mixed Media Collage Canvas will be led by Amanda of Confluent Space Tri-Cities. Amanda will teach the participants the proper way to create a collage on canvas. The activity will feature various art supplies such as paint, acrylic ink, and stencils.

Amanda will also demonstrate how handmade papers, images, and mixed media pens can help create a wonderful canvas. Other…

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mandala stone paintingConfluent Space Tri-Cities will present the Mandala Stone Painting event on August 20, 2017. The event will be from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. Confluent Space Tri-Cities is located at 285 Williams Boulevard, Richland WA. For more details and to register, visit the website of Confluent Space Tri-Cities.

Mandala Stone Painting Class for Kids 8 Years Old and Above

Mandala is derived from the Sanskrit word which means circle. It may be comprised of squares and triangles, but a mandala is concentric in form. Mandalas provide a balanced visual element which represents unity and harmony. Studies show that people get relaxed when looking at a structure with a repetitive design such as mandalas. Any object with mandala design provides a focal point to the…

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art journalConfluent Space Tri-Cities will host the Art Journal Workshop on August 19, 2017. The workshop will run from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at 285 Williams Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the website of the Confluent Space Tri-Cities.

Art Journal Workshop | Turn Written Journals Into an Art Masterpiece

The Art Journal Workshop will be led by Confluent's very own, Amanda. She will introduce the concepts of art journaling to the students. The supplies needed for the journal will be explained, as well as the procedure in creating it. Students can possibly experience creative block during the workshop but Amanda will teach the techniques on how to conquer it.

The Art Journal Workshop will require the use of markings, paste, heavy gesso,…

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art fundamentalsConfluent Space Tri-Cities will present the Art Fundamentals: Color Theory on July 30, 2017. The event will be from 1:00 p.m. until 2:30 p.m., at 285 Williams Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the website of Confluent Space Tri-Cities.

Art Fundamentals: Color Theory | Learn About Color Wheel, Its Functions, and Color Mixing

The Art Fundamentals: Color Theory is designed for kids 13 years old and above. The event is one of new series of classes that Confluent Space Tri-Cities is now offering. This particular event will focus on color theory. The class will make the kids familiar with the color wheel and its uses. Participants will be trained how to use the color wheel and mix colors. Making tints and shades will also be a part of the…

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hand-cut print making Confluent Space Tri-Cities is inviting individuals 12 years old and above to join the Hand-Cut Print Making event on July 23, 2017, from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Confluent Space Tri-Cities is located at 285 Williams Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the website of Confluent Space Tri-Cities.

Hand-Cut Print Making: Designs for Home and Art Works

The Hand-Cut Print Making workshop will be led by one of Confluent's talented art masters, Ray. Ray will demonstrate how hand-cut prints are made. There will also be a discussion on how to use linoleum in creating a design. This technique can be applied on fabrics and papers. Hand-cut prints make a great trick in creating home decorations and adding a design to any art project.


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wood working tool training imageConfluent Space Tri-Cities will host the Wood Working Tool Training on July 15, 2017. The workshop will be from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m., at 285 Williams Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the website of Confluent Space Tri-Cities.

Wood Working Tool Training: A Workshop for Aspiring Woodworkers

The Wood Working Tool Training is designed for individuals 18 years old and above. Both beginners and experienced woodworkers can learn something new from this event.The workshop will cover some safety measures when handling both powerful wood tools and simple hand tools. During the training, the participants will be required to work on a project where they can apply what they learned about wood working tools. The Confluent shop has the…

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gelli plateConfluent Space Tri-Cities will present the Gelli Printing for Mixed Media class on July 16, 2017. The class will run from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Confluent Space Tri-Cities is located at 285 Williams Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the website of Confluent Space Tri-Cities.

Gelli Printing for Mixed Media: A Messy Fun Art Activity for Teens

Confluent's Gelli Printing for Mixed Media event is designed for teens ages 13 and above. The class will familiarize the participants with Gelli plates which are great materials that can be used for mono printing and other mixed media projects. Using Gelli plates is a unique concept the artists can employ when creating random backgrounds or applying layers of colors and textures. 

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