Found 2 blog entries tagged as Comic.

free comic book dayIt's Free Comic Book Day on May 6, 2017, at Adventures Underground, at 1391 George Washington Way, Richland, WA. The event will run from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. For more details, visit the Free Comic Book Day page on Facebook.

About the Free Comic Book Day
Sequential Treasures and Adventures Underground are pleased to present the Annual Free Comic Book Day which will feature a number of great stuff like autographed comics, original sketch covers, comic art, signed prints, and a lot more! The presence of the artist Bob Smith will highlight the event. Smith will sign comics and perform sketches. Free comics will be given away to kids. Don't miss the fun!

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Ryan Singer Comedy Show At Jokers Comedy Club Richland, WashingtonOn Thursday, August 7 Ryan Singer will be performing in Jokers Comedy Club located at 624 Wellsian Way Richland, Washington. Watch him perform live and be amazed with his antics. Show starts at 8:00 in the evening.

About Ryan Singer
Ryan is a comic's comic who delivers material that is both uncompromising and unpretentious making him a truly rare breed of entertainer. LaughSpin shares, “With his high-energy delivery and unpretentious leanings, there’s not a lot to dislike about comedian Ryan Singer. And it’s not just us saying it: In the last few years, he’s won over audiences headlining the nation’s finer comedy clubs and was hailed by Marc Maron in Rolling Stone as a comedian “who should be big.”

Watch Ryan Singer in Jokers Comedy Club this…

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