Found 1 blog entry tagged as Benton-Franklin Fair and Rodeo.

Grand Parade imageThe Benton-Franklin Fair & Rodeo Grand Parade will be held on August 19, 2017. The parade will begin at 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. at Downtown Kennewick. For more details, visit the website of Benton Franklin Fair and Rodeo.

Benton-Franklin Fair & Rodeo Grand Parade: One of the Best Attractions in Kennewick

The Benton-Franklin Fair & Rodeo event will not be complete without the grand parade. All community members are invited to join the gathering. Participants are advised to bring lawn chairs to comfortably watch the show.

The Benton-Franklin Fair & Rodeo is one of the best attractions in the Tri-Cities. Tourists and natives enjoy the parade for the nostalgic experience it brings. It's also an opportunity to get to know the traditions in the…

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