SPRING 2016 SMALL FARMS WORKSHOP by Benton Conservation District | Kennewick
Posted by Colleen D. Lane on
The Benton Conservation District is inviting landowners to attend the Spring 2016 Small Farms Workshop on the 12th of March, 2016. Spring 2016 Small Farms Workshop will be held at the Kennewick Mid-Columbia Library Branch which is located at 1620 S Union St., Kennewick, WA. The Spring 2016 Small Farms Workshop is a free event that will start at 9:00 a.m. For more information, please visit the website of Bendton Conservation District.
Spring 2016 Small Farms Workshop's Significant Topics
The Spring 2016 Small Farms Workshop will feature Soil Sampling and Soil Nutrient Tests. For this subject, Margaret McCoy will be the speaker. Margaret will present the significance of soil nutrient sampling and management and its effects. Meanwhile, Vic Reeves of Benton…
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