Found 1 blog entry tagged as Annual Old Town Christmas Parade.

11th Annual Old Town Christmas Parade Union Gap, WashingtonDon’t’ miss Union Gap’s 11th annual Christmas Parade on Sunday, December 14 beginning at 6:00 in the evening. The parade starts at Main Street / Yakima Street (by Pepp’rmint Stick) and proceeds north on Main to First Street.

Details of the 11th Annual Christmas Parade
Registration forms and additional information are available at City Hall. The Union Gap Christmas Parade Committee wishes everyone “Happy Holidays” and look forward to continued growth of the festival in years to come!

Carrie Greenough (Owner of The Cloverleaf) will be this years’ Grand Marshal for the parade according to the Union Gap Christmas Parade Committee.

For more information call 509-248-0432 or go to…

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