Found 1 blog entry tagged as Affordable Care Act: How Your Small Business Can Avoid Big Tax Penalties.

Affordable Care Act: How Your Small Business Can Avoid Big Tax Penalties - A Live Webinar for Small Business Owners | KennewickThe Affordable Care Act: How Your Small Business Can Avoid Big Tax Penalties is a webinar for small business owners which will take place on August 25, 2016, from 10:30 a.m. until 1:30 a.m. It will be held at Mid-Columbia Libraries, 1620 S Union St., Kennewick.

About the Affordable Care Act: How Your Small Business Can Avoid Big Tax Penalties Event

Presenting the Affordable Care Act: How Your Small Business Can Avoid Big Tax Penalties are TaxMedics, Docs & More, ILUVTAX.COM and W. Murray Bradford. This live webinar will center on the Affordable Care Act or ACA, which will affect businesses with less than 50 employees. This event aims to guide small businesses with effective strategies that can help them deal with ACA with ease.

The Affordable…

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