Found 1 blog entry tagged as 10 Cent Treasure Dinner and Show.

 It's Jay Frank's "10 Cent Tresure" Dinner & Show at ZINFUL Panini Grill & Wine Bar on January 30, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. Watch the longest running show in Tri-Cities while having your dinner for just $35 per person. ZINFUL Panini Grill & Wine Bar is located at 114 W Kennewick Ave., Kennewick, WA. For more details about the "10 Cent Treasure" event, visit ZINFUL Panini Grill & Wine Bar's Facebook page.

Jay Frank's Notable Talent
Jay Frank has proven himself in various fields. In 1994, he grabbed the first prize in the National Foundation for the Advancement of the Art competition for the play he has written. "Bedroom" was Frank's first ever play and it has received Smithsonian reading and exhibition. Jay Frank was a Presidential Scholar in the Arts and is…

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