Brushes and A Bottle at the Market Vineyards: Indulge in Flavorful Wine As You Flash Your Artistic Side | Richland, WAJoin the Brushes and A Bottle event on July 27, 2016, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. This will be held at the Market Vineyards located at 1950 Keene Road, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the Brushes and A Bottle: Market Vineyards page on Facebook.

About Brushes and A Bottle: Market Vineyards
The Brushes and A Bottle event features a different experience that everyone would love to go through with family and friends. Participants will create their own work of art as they sip flavorful wine! To provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide in painting, art experts will also be on site. This entertaining art activity will last for 2 to 2 1/2 hours. It's long enough to have a new circle of friends! Be a part of the Brushes and A Bottle event where the guests get to win friends and bring home their personally made art masterpiece. These artworks may not be exceptional, but it's a form of self-expression and it deserves some space in the participant's wall. 

Posted by Colleen D. Lane on


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