Selling Real Estate Property with Excellent Customer Service – Part II
Successful real estate agents take customer service to a new level. They are there for their clients, listening to their needs from beginning to end. This is the real estate agent any buyer or seller wants in their corner during such a major decision. So, let’s take customer service one step further and see how we can build strong customer relations after the sale.
As a real estate agent, you have taken the time with your clients to build rapport and trust. These are the building blocks of a great client relationship. Even though the focus is on real estate, these are basic rules for any type of business.
Business Tips before the Sale
Stand by your word. Promises made to clients are set in their minds. Give your clients the assurance that your word is golden. To quote an old favorite western movie, “A man’s word is sometimes all that he has.”
Deadlines are there for a reason, try not to miss them. A real estate agent must make calls and follow up on all parties involved to try and make closing as close to the projected date as possible. The buyers and the sellers are ready to have this closing completed. So try to help expedite this by making sure everyone has the info they need. Make sure faxes are received. You must make yourself accessible via cell phone and/or email. Go the extra mile to help and it won’t go unnoticed. Delays happen sometimes, remember you deal with them every day but this may be a new process for your client.
Business Tips after the Sale
For good customer service, follow up with them after the sale. This will show your interest in their services received. Take this time to ask for referrals. Don’t be afraid to ask for referrals. These are some of the best leads you can acquire as a real estate agent. Satisfied customers will usually be willing to write you a testimonial. Testimonials are invaluable. The personal references of past proven happy customers go the distance towards your credibility to someone who may not be familiar with your services and skills.
Future offers should be offered via mail, fax, phone, or email will be great repeat business. Stay in contact with past customers. Offer specials for your real estate agent services on occasion. Give new and old customers an extra incentive to do business with you again.
Ensure Customer Satisfaction at All Times
One thing nobody wants to talk about is the times your customers/clients aren’t happy. Unfortunately, it does happen from time to time. Know how to deal with these situations properly. If, as a real estate agent, the situation is handled appropriately you will gain a customer’s future business.
It doesn’t matter what the issue is, or who’s at fault, all that matters is your customer service skills to defuse the situation as quickly as possible.
Listen to your customer’s complaint. This can be especially challenging to do if you don’t feel as if you, as a real estate agent, were in the wrong. Eye contact and good listening skills are assets to you at this point. Taking notes during the process, if this is a very detailed problem, shows that you are making some documentation of the issue.
Empathize and apologize to your customer. “I can certainly understand that Ms. Jones. Please accept my apology for any inconvenience. Let me suggest one way we can take care of this issue to your satisfaction.” Think about a time when you were on the receiving end of a customer service issue. Learn from your own past experiences as to what was handled correctly and what should have been handled differently. Common courtesy and respect as a real estate agent are a necessity. Most importantly, keep your temper and ego in check.
The Customer IS Always Right
The customer is always right attitude will take you a long way in the process of righting what your customer feels was done wrong.
Do not argue with the customers. Try to resolve the issue for your customer. Try to the best of your effort to make up for any inconvenience they incurred. Do a follow-up after a problem to make sure that everything was to their satisfaction. Earn your customer's business again.
Hopefully, you can see the importance of customer service to all businesses, not just real estate. Go the extra mile for your customers. Sometimes in this fast-paced world customer service gets tossed to the back burner. Do your best to keep it alive and reap the rewards of satisfied clients and customers that will be happy to refer you as a real estate agent and do business with you again and again.