The Academy of Children's Theatre will host the Volunteer Appreciation Party on June 14, 2016, starting at 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. The Academy of Children's Theatre is located at 213 Wellsian Way, Richland, WA. For more details, please check out the Volunteer Appreciation Party's Facebook page.
About the Volunteers Appreciation Party
The Academy of Children's Theatre is pleased with all the assistance it received for the entire season. To show how truly appreciative the organization is, the Volunteer Appreciation Party will be conducted. This event is especially made for those who have volunteered for ACT's productions, classes, and tech works. Part of the event is the 2nd Annual Plateies and Karaoke. It's also a celebration of the graduation of some of ACT's remarkable senior students. The Volunteer Appreciation Party is a fun gathering for the whole ACT family who gratifies the success of this season's programs.
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