The Kennewick First Presbyterian Church is pleased to announce the performance of Tom Gamble on the 19th of February 2016. Tom Gamble will start performing at 7:00 p.m. The Kennewick First Presbyterian Church is located at 2001 W. Kennewick Ave., Kennewick, WA. Please visit the website of Kennewick First Presbyterian Church for more details.
The Exceptional Guitar Performer, Tom Gamble
Tom Gamble is a product of London, United Kingdom, where he started performing at the young age of 13. It was Tommy Emmanuel, an Australian steel string guitar virtuoso who inspired and encouraged Tom to perform to have his first performance in a local festival. Now, Tom Gamble performs for various international events. Some of important gathering he has performed for are The Olympic Games, The London Jazz Festival, The Vancouver Orpheum and The Southbank Centre.
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