Found 1 blog entry tagged as Summer Movie Express.

Summer Movie Express: Relax, Watch a Movie and Support the Will Rogers Institute | KennewickThe Columbia Mall Stadium 8 is asking for everyone's support for the Summer Movie Express which is set on June 21 to 22, 2016. The Summer Movie Express will start at 10:00 a.m. and will be held at the Regal Columbia Mall Stadium 9, 1321 N Columbia Center Boulevard, Kennewick, WA. For more details, visit the Regal Entertainment Group's Summer Movie Express 2016 page.

About the Summer Movie Express 2016
The Summer Movie Express lets you enjoy great films with family and friends for only $1 per person. A portion of the Summer Movie Express' proceeds will be given to the Will Rogers Institute.

The Summer Movie Express 2016 happens on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of summer. On June 21 and 22, the films that will be featured are The Lego Movie and Max. The Lego…

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