Found 26 blog entries tagged as silent auction.

spaghetti dinner imageSpaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction will be held on August 9, 2017. This benefit event will take place from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., at Uncle Sam's Saloon, at 8378 W Gage Boulevard, Kennewick, WA.

Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction Benefiting Mikey's Chance Canine

The Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction event is a family-friendly event that will benefit Mikey's Chance. Mikey's Chance is a non-profit organization that matches dogs and people. The organization's objective is to find homes for dogs that are in need of shelter. Mikey's Chance serves families who want to adopt dogs through a comprehensive and detailed procedure.

Tickets for the Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction costs $10 at the door. Raffle tickets cost $1 each. Don't miss this…

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silent auctionCandy Gallery will be hosting a silent auction on July 22, 2017, at 7:30 p.m. Candy Gallery is located at 5 South Dayton Street, Kennewick, WA.

Silent Auction Providing Shelter to the Homeless

Candy Gallery's silent auction will feature the works of Kathryn and Cameron Mills. Half of the proceeds from this event will be donated to My Friend's Place. The auction will be a great venue to acquire cartoons, sculpture, paintings, and many other products created from different forms of art. These are precious items which can be bought at affordable prices.

My Friend's Place is an organization that promotes a better life for the homeless youth. The organization provides inspiration and assistance to young individuals who are in need shelter. My Friend's…

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adult and teen challenge gala imageJoin the Adult and Teen Challenge Gala on May 13, 2017, at 5 p.m. The event will take place at TRAC Center, 6600 Burden Boulevard, Pasco, WA. For more details, visit the Adult and Teen Gala page on Facebook.

About the Adult and Teen Challenge Gala
The Adult and Teen Challenge Gala will feature live music and silent auction. There will be a buffet prepared by TRAC. A Dessert Dash will also make this event exciting, as well as a presentation of lives changed with the guidance of Tri-Cities Campus of Pacific Northwest Adult and Teen Challenge, which will provide inspiration to the audience.

Admission to the Adult and Teen Challenge Gala costs $35 each. Don't miss it!

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Christ the King AuctionThe Christ the King School will hold its 9th Annual Auction on May 6, 2017, at 5:30 p.m. The auction will take place at Red Lion Hotel, at 2525 N 20th Ave., Pasco, WA. For more details, visit the 9th Annual Christ the King School Auction page on Facebook.

About the 9th Annual Christ the King School Auction
The 9th Annual Christ the King School Auction is a western-themed event that will feature both silent and live auctions. There will be plated dinner and signature drinks for the guests, as well as games of chances to make the evening fun and exciting. Attendees are advised to wear Western-inspired clothes, to enjoy the beat, and dance the night away! The highlight of the 9th Annual Christ the King School Auction will be the $5,000 cash prize which…

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cafe day imageJoin the 2017 Café Day on April 15, from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. The event will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall, at 2500 Chester Road, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the Café Day 2017 page on Facebook.

About the '2017 Café Day'
French Venture Crew and French 1-3 students are pleased to present this year's Café Day featuring an open café where traditional Parisian Café made by the students will be served. The event will also present a silent auction and a raffle. Shoppers will enjoy an array of great products to purchase as 20 vendors join the celebration of the Café Day.

The 2017 Café Day is a benefit event of which proceeds will be used for the programs of Venture Crew 223 students, including immersion activities and the Bon Voyage…

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2nd Annual Charity Date AuctionThe 2nd Annual Charity Date Auction will be held on March 4, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. The celebration will be a Mardi Gras themed party and will take place at the Rumor Lounge, at 6515 W Clearwater Ave., Suite 400, Kennewick, WA. For more details, please visit the Second Annual Charity Date Auction page on Facebook.

About the 2nd Annual Charity Date Auction
Bliss Events is glad to present the 2nd Annual Charity Date Auction which will feature some of the most eligible ladies and gents from the Tri-Cities. There will also be some silent and live auctions for individuals who simply want to bring home some great items. Attendees who will participate in the bidding are advised to donate $10 to acquire a bidding number.

The winning date auction bidders will be…

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35th Annual Holiday Bazaar: A Lucrative Business Opportunity for Vendors | Sponsored by the Columbia Valley Jr Grange in Pasco, WAThe 35th Annual Holiday Bazaar will be held on December 10, 2016. The bazaar will run from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. This event will be held at Columbia Valley Grange Rd 64 and Court St., Pasco, WA. For more information, please visit the 35th Annual Holiday Bazaar page on Facebook or send an email to Laura Lyle at

About the 35th Annual Holiday Bazaar
The 35th Annual Holiday Bazaar is sponsored by Columbia Valley Jr Grange. This bazaar will make handmade crafts available for shoppers. There will also be a silent auction where everybody gets to have cool items that are perfect for the holidays.

For vendors who wish to be a part of the 35th Annual Holiday Bazaar, the tables available are 6' table OR space for $15
and 8' table OR…

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38th Annual Tri-Cities Wine Festival: Benefiting the Tri-Cities Wine Society's Education Fund in Kennewick Join the 38th Annual Tri-Cities Wine Festival on November 12, 2016, from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the Three Rivers Convention Center, at 7016 W. Grandridge Boulevard, Kennewick, WA. For more details, please visit the Tri-Cities Wine Festival at Tri-Cities Wine Society's website.

About the 38th Annual Tri-Cities Wine Festival
The Tri-Cities Wine Festival started in 1979. It was held to build funds for a new copier for the Tri-Cities Visitor and Convention Bureau. Its 38th annual celebration will be comprised of a silent auction that will benefit the Tri-Cities Wine Society's education fund. This event will also feature a Gala tasting of wines produced by Northwest makers. It also includes a presentation of awards, culinary showcase and a lot more!…

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Pies 'N' Ties Fundraiser At Shilo Inn In Richland, Washington On Thursday, November 5 the Pacific Northwest Adult and Teen Challenge will be hosting a fundraiser event the Pies 'N' Ties happening at the Shilo Inn, 50 Comstock Street Richland, Washington from 6:30 to 9:30 in the evening.

Details of the 2nd Pies 'N" Ties
Experience a night full of fun, laughter, sumptuous desserts and amazing fellowship in this fundraiser event. By participating, you can change someone’s life. Come and join the Pies and Ties in fighting addiction.

The Pacific Northwest Adult and Teen Challenge mission is to evangelize people who have life controlling problems and initiate the discipleship process to the point where students can function as Christians in the society.

 For further information and details of the event please…

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From 6:00 until 10:00 in the evening on Saturday, April 11 Red Lion Inn Pasco proudly presents "Viva Las Vegas: A Night with the Arc". Red Lion Inn Pasco is located at 2525 N. 20th Avenue Pasco, Washington.

Details of "Viva Las Vegas: A Night with the Arc"
Tickets include dinner, wine, live and silent auction, casino style games and dancing to the live music of Colorblind. Proceeds of the event will help support programs for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.


For more information click here

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