Found 4 blog entries tagged as restaurant.

Amor A La Mexicana Mexican Food (& more...)
We've been meaning to try Amor A La Mexicana next to the old Albertson's at 1308 Lee Blvd in Richland and finally did this past weekend.  Amor A La Mexican restaurant is in this new location and we tried a variety of the menu items and enjoyed everything we ordered.  The staff (the owners) are nice and the food prices are reasonable.  We've included their menu below.  Give them a try and we are sure you will agree.

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Amor A La Mexicana Mexican Food Restaurant

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Dine in Monterosso's Italian Restaurant train New Year' Eve 
Monterosso's Italian Restaurant logoTake a loved one out for the New Year’s Eve special at Monterosso’s Italian Restaurant in Richland, WA between 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. You can choose a four-course dinner that includes one appetizer, one soup or salad, one entree, and one dessert for each person from their special menu. For the beverage, you get the choice of Prosecco (Italian Champagne), Berry Bubbly, and their selection of fine Washington and Italian wines. This meal will be $59 per person, not including tax and gratuity. Reservations sell out quickly so make reservations now by calling 509-946-4525.

The Evening's Menu

The appetizer course includes Escargot Vol-au-Vent, Bruschetta, or Red Pepper Goat Cheese Cucumber Cups. The…

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Barnard Griffin Wine Bar and Eatery's Build Your Own Burger Sundays Richland WashingtonOn Sunday, August 3 from 12:00 noon until 5:00 in the afternoon visit Barnard Griffin Wine Bar and Eatery for their Build Your Own Burger Sundays.

About Build Your Own Burgers Sundays
Juicy burgers will be cooked on the grill out on the patio of Barnard Griffin Wine Bar and Eatery located at 878 Tulip Ln. Richland, Washington. You can choose from Beef, Chicken or Portobello. Hand pressed Burgers are prices at $13.00 and includes a trip to their immense toppings bar. What’s more, it’s Happy Hour All Day Sunday!

For more information please call Barnard Griffin Wine Bar and Eatery at 509-627-0266 or visit

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Lamb Weston's Free Fry Friday Throughout Tri Cities Washington
Lamb Weston, this year's sponsor of the Columbia Cup is also sponsoring Free Fry Friday today, July 29. Stop by a participating restaurant and order your serving of free fries today anytime, no purchase necessary. Lamb Weston is doing a special thing today where for every serving of fries ordered they will donate $0.10 to Second Harvest Tri Cities. If you are on Facebook then like the group Free Fry Friday and every new fan by the end of today will mean the donation of $1.00 by Lamb Weston to Second Harvest Tri Cities. Restaurants participating in Free Fry Friday include, but are not limited to, Burger Ranch, Carl's Jr, Arby's, Hot Wingz, Red Lion Hotel, Henry's, Courtyard Marriott, Cousin's,…

2017 Views, 0 Comments