Ranch and Home Fishing Seminar: Training for Fishing Buffs and Newbies | Kennewick
Posted by Colleen D. Lane on
Join the Ranch and Home Fishing Seminars on June 9, 2017, from 5:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m., and on June 10, at 10:00 a.m. and then again at 1:00 p.m. The event will take place at the Ranch & Home, at 845 N. Columbia Center Boulevard, Kennewick, WA.
Ranch and Home Fishing Seminars with Bill Harris and Ashley Leweis
The Ranch and Home Fishing Seminar is designed for both newbies and fishing enthusiasts. On June 9, a discussion on how to look for fish and steelhead in the water will be led by Bill Harris. On the 10th, the discussion will focus on tips and techniques suited for the Columbia River summer chinook fishing. This will also be led by Bill Harris. On the same day, at 1 p.m., Ashley Leweis will take over to discuss ways on how to make fishing…
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