Found 1 blog entry tagged as Paddleboarding.

greenlelife triathlon imageThe Greenielife Solstice Triathlon will be presented on June 20, 2017, from 6:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. The event will take place at the Howard Amon Park, at 500 Amon Park Drive, Richland, WA.

2017 Greenielife Solstice Triathlon: Cycling, Paddleboarding, and Yoga

The success of the Greenielife Solstice Triathlon last year made the organizers decide to repeat the event this 2017. The triathlon is a fun, non-competitive event featuring cycling, paddleboarding, and yoga. The concept was modified to make it more appropriate for families who simply want to experience Triathlon in their level of abilities.

Admission to the Greenielife Solstice Triathlon only costs $45 including the paddleboard, photos, and food. Come with family and friends and join the…

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