Found 1 blog entry tagged as nursing.

Bra Fit Party! Comfy and Safe Bra Fitting Event at Buckwheat Bottoms | Richland, WABuckwheat Bottoms will present the Bra Fit Party! on September 12, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. Buckwheat Bottoms is located at 1386 Jadwin Ave., Richland, WA. For more details, please visit the Bra Fit Party! page on Facebook.

About the 'Bra Fit Party!'
Bra Fit Party is an event that will encourage women to know their size and the size of bra they should be wearing. Although Buckwheat Bottoms' line of bra caters to nursing moms, this event is open to all women - nursing or not! Door prizes will be given to lucky attendees. Buckwheat Bottoms assures that this bra fitting event will be safe and convenient. Invite friends to come along and take advantage of this rare opportunity.

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