Found 1 blog entry tagged as Neon Vibe 5K.

The Neon Vibe 5K After-Dark Fun Run at Toyota Center Kennewick Do you want to join an after-dark, fluorescent glow light fun run? The Neon Vibe 5k on May 23 at the Toyota Center, 7000 West Grandridge Boulevard
Kennewick, Washington is the perfect event for you. Every course in the run is designed with illuminating UV black light glow-zones to light up the night, upbeat dance music, and runners who are dressed up and all set to party.

You can run as far and as hard as you can as most participants just want to light-it-up, have a good time, and dance their way to the finish. Located near the finish line is the best part of the Neon Vive experience – the AfterVibe celebration!

Everything you need to know about Neon Vibe 5K
Gates of the Toyota Center opens at 7:30 PM but the race will start at 8:45 PM or shortly…

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