Found 2 blog entries tagged as MadSkills Sports and Fitness.

sports leadership clinicMadSkills Sports and Fitness is pleased to present the Sports Leadership Clinic for Parents, Coaches, and Athletes on July 15, 2017, from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. The clinic will take place at the Westside Church Gymnasium, at 1007 Wright Ave., Richland, WA.

Sports Leadership Clinic for Parents, Coaches, and Athletes

The Sports Leadership Clinic will be comprised of interactive activities that will teach how to build winning characters and shape future champions. The event will feature the USA Basketballs Tri-City Coach Academy, along with special guests, who will impart tips on how to develop on-court and off-court leadership skills. Among topics included in the leadership clinic are tips on how to be a great sports parent, building characters,…

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MadSkills Sports and Fitness Presents 'Ballin' for Bags' Basketball Camp: A Benefit Event for the Kids of the Tri-Cities School District | KennewickMadSkills Sports and Fitness will present 'Ballin' for Bags' Basketball Camp on September 3, 2016, from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. This event will be held at the Southridge Sports Complex at 2901 Southridge Boulevard, Kennewick, WA.

About the 'Ballin for Bags' Basketball Camp
'Ballin for Bags' Basketball Camp is designed for kids 7 years old and above. This will be led by Verne Jones from MadSkills, who is a personal sports and fitness expert. The camp will cover defensive skills, footwork, dribbling skills and tips on how to improve one's performance at the court.

'Balling for Bags' also features a Freethrow Contest. Participants are encouraged to bring or donate a back pack full of school supplies to enjoy $10 discount from the registration fee.…

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