Found 2 blog entries tagged as Latin America.

Latin American Music CelebrationThe Mid-Columbia Mastersingers Latin American Celebration will be on March 31 and April 1, 2017, at 7:30 p.m., and on April 2, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. The celebration will be held at St.Joseph Catholic Church, at 520 S Garfield St., Kennewick, WA. For more details, visit the Concierto Celebrating Latin America page on Facebook or call (509) 460-1766.

About the Mid-Columbia Mastersingers Latin American Music Celebration
To conclude the Mid-Columbia Mastersingers' 30th anniversary, a spectacular Latin American music celebration will be presented. The show will feature Mariachi Halcón del Rio from Chiawana High School, who will perform under the direction of Allen Madsen. Three performances will be showcased to make the event more exciting. The guests are…

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Mapping Latino Muscical Migrations with Antonio Davidson-GĂłmez at Richland Public LibraryMapping Latino Musical Migrations with Antonio Davidson-GĂłmez
On Thursday, May 15 at 7:00 in the evening, The Richland Public Library invites everyone to a night of Mapping Latino Musical Migrations with Antonio Davidson-Gómez. Admission is free. performs live with his percussion in a night of U.S. Latino and Latin American music. Hosted by James and Doris Kelly the presentation will be held at the Richland Public Library.

What’s in a pop song?
There are stories that run deeper than catchy lyrics might suggest. The instruments, the language, the style – even a song’s structure can show us how ideas and experiences are traded between diverse communities.

In this hands-on experience, participants will play instruments from U.S. Latino and Latin…

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