Found 2 blog entries tagged as Inside Out.

Pixar Picture Night Featuring 'Inside Out' - A Presentation of Confluent Space Tri-Cities | Richland, WA Pixar Picture Night will feature the movie 'Inside Out' on December 16, 2016, from 7:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. This event will be held at Confluent Space Tri-Cities, at 285 Williams Boulevard, Richland, WA. For mode details, please visit Pixar Picture Night (Inside Out) page on Facebook.

About Pixar Picture Night Featuring 'Inside Out'
Pixar Picture Night is a film viewing event where everyone gets to be entertained, enjoy snacks and drinks, and meet new friends. Art McBain of Confluent will be the night's host. Root beer will be provided, as well as plates, cups, and other utensils. Participants are encouraged to bring snacks they can share. This event is free for both Confluent members and non-members.

Inside Out is a computer-animated film released…

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Summer Movies Series in the Park Presents 'Inside Out' | Windermere Group One and the City of Richland, WAThe Richland Parks and Recreation is pleased to present the Summer Movies Series in the Park. On July 15, 2016, it will feature the movie 'Inside Out' which will start at 8:00 p.m. The Summer Movies Series in the Park will be held at the George Prout Pool at 1005 Swift Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the Summer Movies Series in the Park page on Facebook.

About the Summer Movies Series in the Park Featuring "Inside Out"
Have a great Friday evening with family and friends by joining in at the Summer Movies Series in the Park. All attendees are asked to bring their own blankets and lawn chairs so they can settle comfortably in the park as they watch 'Inside Out'. Vendors of snacks and drinks will be at the venue.

Inside Out is an…

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