Found 30 blog entries tagged as health.

rootvikAmy Rootvik will talk about boosting health on August 19, 2017, from 10:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. The event will take place at Lotus of the Moon, at 303 Casey Ave., Suite D, Richland WA. To register, email at

A Guide to Holistic Health with Amy Rootvik

Amy Rootvik is the owner of Rootvik Health and Wellness. The event will help teach the attendees the effective lifestyle and nutritional requirements that people need to stay healthy despite all the stress that life can bring. Part of the event is the question and answer portion, where Amy Rootvik will demonstrate her expertise as a health coach.

Admission to the Amy Rootvik event costs $10 each. All attendees must pre-register. Don't miss it!

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integrative oncology imageThe Northwest Cancer Clinic will present the Integrative Oncology: Nutrition event on August 9, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. The Northwest Cancer Clinic is located at 7379 Deschutes Ave., Ste. 100, Kennewick, WA. For more information, visit the website of NW Cancer Clinic.

Integrative Oncology: Nutrition | Proper Diet During and After Cancer Treatment

Dr. Brian D. Laweda, Radiation Oncologist and Integrative Oncologist, will present the Integrative Oncology: Nutrition. The program aims to transform cancer care in the Tri-Cities and to make the community members aware of anti-cancer nutrition, which is necessary especially during and after cancer treatment.

Integrative Oncology: Nutrition comes with a light dinner to be provided by the Northwest Cancer…

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understanding fibromylagia imageKadlec Neurological Resource Center will present the Understanding Fibromyalgia event on July 21, 2017, from 1:00 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. The event will take place at the Sycamore Room, Kadlec Healthplex, at 1268 Lee Boulevard, Richland WA. For more details, visit the website of Kadlec.

Understanding Fibromyalgia: A Chronic Muscle and Tissue Disorder

The discussion on Understanding Fibromyalgia will be led by the speaker Anjan Sen, MD, a Neurosurgeon from Kadlec Neuroscience Center. The event will provide a general review of this chronic disease. The common symptoms of Fibromyalgia include musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sleeping disorder, mood issues, and problems with memory. The treatment options for this condition include pain medicine, sleeping…

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2017 cardiology summer school imageNicole Kupchick Consulting and Education will host the 2017 Cardiology Summer School on June 5. The class will run from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., at Kadlec, at 888 Swift Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the 2017 Cardiology Summer School page on Facebook.

2017 Cardiology Summer School

The Cardiology Summer School event on June 5 is the first session of this 2-part class. The second session will be held on the 2nd of August. The class will center on cardiology topics covering cardiovascular anatomy, determinants of cardiac output, cardiac physical assessment, heart failure, and many others.

Registered nurses and health care providers are most welcome to attend the 2017 Cardiology Summer School. Don't miss it!

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March of DimesJoin the March for Babies on May 6, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. The event will feature a 3.8-mile walk that at John Dam Plaza, at 1816 George Washington Way, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the March for Babies' website.

About March for Babies
All community members are invited to join the March for Babies event to support the advocacy on improving babies' health. March for Babies is a fundraising event in the form of a walk, which any group of family members, friends, and company teams can take part in. March for Babies features a Fundraiser Incentive Program which gives every walker a chance to receive collectible items for a certain amount above $100 raised. Don't miss it!

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Curves imageJoin the Empowering Women to be Healthy & Safe event on April 22 and 23, 2017, at 11:00 a.m. The event will be held at Curves, at 1364 Jadwin Ave., Richland, WA. For more details, visit the page of Empowering Women to be Healthy & Safe on Facebook.

About Empowering Women to be Healthy & Safe
Empowering Women to be Healthy & Safe will be presented by Curves Richland and Defense Independent Pro Michelle Smith. The event will feature Zumba, followed by safety and healthy open house. Empowering Women to be Healthy & Safe will impart all the details about Curves, particularly the 30 minute circuit that Curves offers, as well as some tips on staying safe and situational awareness. Empowering Women to be Healthy & Safe will also teach how stun guns, pepper…

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Stellar You Wellness Center Open HousJoin the Stellar You Wellness Center Open House on April 1, 2017, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. The Open house will be held at Dr. Noel Hubbs ND - Stellar You Wellness Center, at 750 Swift Boulevard, #17, Richland, WA. For more details, please visit the Open House page on Facebook.

About the Stellar You Wellness Center Open House
Stellar You Wellness Center is inviting everyone to the Open House to introduce the Wellness Team comprised of Dr. Noel Hubbs, ND, Cynthia Varadan, LMT, Justine Deleon, NTP, and Crystal Willingham. The Open House will feature some small talks about health and special promotions. There will also be raffles for a chance to win special prizes. Stellar You Wellness Center will also serve healthy snacks for the guests during the…

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Empowering Yourself Through ExerciseEmpowering Yourself Through Exercise will be held on March 22, 2017, from 1:00 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. The discussion will take place at Kadlec Healthplex, at 1268 Lee Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the page of Empowering Yourself Through Exercise page at Kadlec's website.

About 'Empowering Yourself Through Exercise'
Empowering Yourself Through Exercise will be presented by speakers Jenny Davis and Laura Molu. The discussion will center on what Parkinson's disease is and how the condition can be diagnosed. The speakers will also share how exercise helps prevent and treat Parkinson's disease. The concepts of neuroplasticity will also be explained during the discussion.

Admission to Empowering Yourself Through Exercise costs $10 each.…

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medical dental summitThe Eastern Washington Medical-Dental Summit IV: Integrating Medicine and Dentistry in Kennewick will be held on March 3, 2017, beginning at 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. The summit will take place at Three Rivers Convention Center, at 7016 W Grandridge Boulevard, Kennewick, WA.

About the Eastern Washington Medical-Dental Summit IV: Integrating Medicine and Dentistry
The Eastern Washington Medical-Dental Summit IV: Integrating Medicine and Dentistry is an extraordinary event that aims to educate and improve the health condition of the community by gathering health professionals, administrators, hospital personnel and policy makers. The summit will center on presenting an up-to-date research and providing practical solutions to help physicians and dentists…

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Bee Happy Community Acupuncture Brings the Healthier New Year Free Event | KennewickThe Healthier New Year Free Event will be held on January 15, 2017, from 3:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. This will take place at Bee Happy Community Acupuncture, at 8390 W Gage Boulevard, Suite 102, Kennewick, WA. For more details, please visit the Heathier New Year Free Event page on Facebook.

About the Healthier New Year Free Event
Bee Happy Community Acupuncture is pleased to host this Healthier New Year Free Event, which will center on health, acupressure and essential oils. Through this event, attendees will learn about the best oils that can benefit one's health. This affair will also tackle the 5 blends that every home should have. Attendees will be given information on how every household can make the most of each blend. Reservation to join this event…

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