Found 1 blog entry tagged as Chamna Hike.

#OptOutside | Support REI's Campaign by Hiking Chamna on Black FridaySpend this Black Friday outside being active instead of going shopping. REI has started a campaign by announcing that they will be closing all 143 of their stores on Black Friday and will instead be paying their employees to go outside.

REI has always been dedicated to living life outdoors. They decided that Black Friday would be the perfect time to act this out. They challenged everyone to go outside with them this Black Friday.

Hikes in the Chamna Natural Reserve to Support REI

Tapteal Greenway will be offering 2 different hikes, both at 1 p.m. on Friday the 27th

  • 3 miles-A loop through the reserve
  • 6 miles-A hike following the Tapteal Trail along the Yakima River through W.E. Johnson Park and back

For more information, contact…

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