Found 3 blog entries tagged as Artwork.

Kids Class: Watercolor Textures and Negative Space - Kat Millicent Custom Art Local Art Hub in Richland WAThe Kids Class: Watercolor Textures and Negative Space will be held on November 9, 2016, from 4:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. This will take place at the Kat Millicent Custom Art, at 1377 George Washington Way, Richland, WA. For more details, please visit the Kids Class: Watercolor Textures and Negative Space page at Kat Millicent Custom Art's website.

About the Kids Class: Watercolor Textures and Negative Space
The Kids Class: Watercolor Textures and Negative Space is going to be an afternoon of colorful artwork. Ashleigh Rogers will help the young participants get acquainted with the idea of negative space, using different watercolor resist tools. They will also be taught some methods which they can employ to come up with wonderful texture in their…

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Unconfined Art Show: An Evening of Spoken Word, Music and Artwork | Confluent Space Tri-Cities in Richland, WAThe New Direction Project is pleased to present the Unconfined Art Show: An Evening of Spoken Word, Music, and Artwork on August 19, 2016. This art show will run from 8:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. and will be held at Confluent Space Tri-Cities, at 285 Williams Boulevard, Richland WA. For more details, please visit An Evening of Spoken Word, Music and Artwork page on Facebook.

About the Unconfined Art Show
The Unconfined Art Show will center on spoken word, music, and artwork and everything that involves these forms of art in the challenges of mass incarceration and the disproportionate number of people amid the criminal justice system pitfalls. This New Direction Project presentation which will also feature special performances by Josephine Howell and…

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Art Of The Everyday At The CBC Esvelt Gallery In Pasco, WashingtonOn Monday, June 15 Esvelt Gallery located in 2600 N. 20th Avenue Pasco, Washington presents Art of the Everyday, a collection of prints, ceramic sculpture, and other artistic documentation of the everyday by Columbia Basin College Alumnus, Randal Jones.

Details of the Event
Art of the Everyday will open on June 15 and close on August 20, 2015, with a closing reception for the artist on August 20th at 6:30 in the evening. All events at Esvelt Gallery are free and open to the public.

The artwork presented in this exhibition uses a variety of media to uncover aspects of the everyday. By employing a material that can document a process, action, or event, the distance between a specific everyday experience and the artistic representation of that…

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