Found 1 blog entry tagged as Annual Stash and Studio Sale.

White Bluffs Museum's 9th Annual Stash And Studio Sale Richland, WashingtonCheck out the different quilting products that are available for sale as White Bluffs Quilt Museum celebrate their Annual Stash and Studio Sale on Saturday, August 15 from 9:00 in the morning to 3:00 in the afternoon. White Bluffs Quilt Museum is located at 294 Torbett Street in Richland, Washington.

About White Bluffs Quilt Museum
The museum is a Regional Textile Arts Center, serving the Tri-Cities and the Mid-Columbia Basin. The center serves as both a museum and a support organization for the quilting, weaving, spinning and basketry guilds in the Eastern Washington State. These groups have been a part of the community for 40 years and currently represent 1000 fiber artist in the Eastern Washington and still growing.

The 9th Annual Stash and…

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