Summer Movie Series, John Dam Plaza Park Richland Presents Nut JobOn Friday, July 25 everyone is invited to watch The Nut Job, a 2014 3D computer-animated comedy film directed by Peter Lepeniotis (who also wrote the film with Lorne Cameron) and starring the voices of Will Arnett, Brendan Fraser, Gabriel Iglesias, Jeff Dunham, Liam Neeson and Katherine Heigl. The film is based on Lepeniotis's 2005 short animated film Surly Squirrel. The movie was released on January 17, 2014, by Open Road Film

Come and begin your weekend fun at the Park. Show begins at dusk. Don't forget your chairs, blankets and snacks! Vendors are available on site.

2014 Summer Movie Series
The movie series will be from June 20 until September 5. Admission is FREE. For more information you can call them at 509-942-7529 or check their website here.

Schedule of Movies
July 25: Columbia Point Marina Park - Nut Job
August 1: John Dam Plaza - Free Birds
August 8: John Dam Plaza - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 September 5: Badger Mt. Park - The Lego Movie

Posted by Colleen D. Lane on


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