Have you checked the neighborhood?
A lot of home buyers these days spend so much time combing through real-estate listing sites looking for that perfect house, condo or townhouse and thinking about how it will fit their lifestyle and budget but somehow neglects to check the neighborhood.
Most people focus on the house itself before the neighborhood, which in fact, is reverse. You may not think of it at first because of the excitement of finally finding a dwelling place but this must not be taken for granted.[continue reading]
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Remember, you might find a house that looks every inch of your dream house but if the neighborhood is not good then think about it several times before signing anything. You wouldn’t want yourself or your family in the middle of any unforeseen incident in the future.
Here are the some mistakes that home-buyers unfortunately make in choosing a neighborhood:
First of all they usually think short-term. Even when you might just be in a transition of some sort- like perhaps starting a family or divorcing you must always think long-term.
Second, they do not verify about the safety or crime rates of a particular neighborhood. It is important to check records to see if the area have zero or low crime rate.
Third, they somehow underestimate the commute from the house to the office or school. You may find a tree-lined street charming but how is it safe to take a walk in these streets in the middle of the night or at the crack of dawn?
Lucky for us, we can easily search on the web for anything. Take adequate time investigating about the neighborhood of your choice. This is actually the best way you can ensure that your future with your family in the home that you will be purchasing is safe and sound.
Posted by Colleen D. Lane on
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