Mid-Columbia Mastersingers Concert – Unterseher and GesualdoOn February 21 at 7:30PM and February 22 at 3:00PM, the Mid-Columbia Mastersingers will present the third in their Perfect Pairing Concert Series.

Perfect Pairing #3
On both days, the work of Tri Cities’ composer, Reginald Unterseher, will be presented, along with a weeklong guest artist residency and an exciting new commission. Some top local singers will be featured in small group performances highlighting Unterseher’s music as it is paired with the works of innovative Rennaisance composer Carlo Gesualdo. There will also be a 30-minute “Behind the Music” talk before each concert.

Save the Date
The concert will be held at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church on 520 S. Garfield St. Kennewick, Wa. Advance-purchase single tickets are available for $20 while single tickets at the door will be $22. You can call (509) 460-1766 for more details or visit their website for ticketing information. Don’t forget the dates – February 21, 2014 at 7:30PM and February 22, 2014 at 3:00PM.

Posted by Colleen D Lane on


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