The Historic Downtown Kennewick Partnership is pleased to announce that the 17th Annual Classy Chassy Show and Shine will take place this coming May 13 and 14, 2016. Registration will be held on Friday at Overturf Motors Kennewick, 1016 W. Columbia Drive, Kennewick, WA, while the Show and Shine main event will happen in the Historic Downtown Kennewick on Saturday. Please visit the website of the Historic Downtown Kennewick for more details. Pre-registration forms are also available at the said website.
About the Show and Shine Event
The 17th Annual Classy Chassy Show and Shine is a two-day event filled with exciting activities. Apart from registration, there will be Poker Run and Rally on Friday, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on Saturday, the much-awaited Show and Shine will roll in, starting at 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Over 200 cars are expected to be put on display. These are classic automotive that will surely sweep off the feet of the crowd. The Show and Shine event never fails to wow car enthusiasts. This is an event that people of all ages will have fun about.
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