Dangerously Deceptive Google Docs Phishing ScamHead’s up to all Google users (Google Drive, Gmail, Google +, etc.) out there. There is a new phishing scam wreaking havoc on the web, and unlike other phishing scams, this one is really tricky.

How it Works
You see, this scam will get to you in the form of an e-mail with the subject line “Documents” while the body of the e-mail points to a Google Docs link. You will actually be taken to a Google login page that looks legitimate. Because it makes use of a PHP script hiding deceptively in a Google Drive document, you have practically just handed hackers your Google login credentials just by clicking on the link.

Since the fake login page is hosted on Google’s servers and is served over SSL, you wouldn’t think it to be a phishing expedition, especially…

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Pet over Population Prevention’s 9th Annual Fur Ball in KennewickHere’s a furtastic event you wouldn’t want to miss.

Pet over Population Prevention (POPP) is a local, non-profit, all-volunteer, NO-kill pet organization that’s dedicated to promoting responsible pet ownership with the aim of preventing the needless death and suffering of companion animals. Over the years, they have helped save over 8,000 pets and have provided spay/neuter services to 16,000 cats and dogs.

Celebrate with Them
On April 5, POPP will be celebrating their 18th anniversary at the Three Rivers Convention Center in Kennewick. The event, aptly called 9th Annual Fur Ball, will feature:

  • Gourmet dinner and dessert
  • Amazing live and silent auctions
  • Music and dancing provided by Platinum Entertainment
  • Mini massages
  • Fun photo…

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Historic Downtown Kennewick’s First Thursday Art WalkHead on out to Historic Downtown Kennewick on Thursday, April 3, from 5 to 9PM for this month’s First Thursday ARTwalk.

Start the Second Quarter Right
What better way is there to start the second quarter of the year right than with this event where you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy art and meet various artists? Colorful balloons will mark multiple locations in an 8-city block, from Dayton St. east to Washington St. and from W Canal Dr south to W First Ave.

Don’t Miss it
This is something you shouldn’t pass up on each first Thursday of the month, as different local and regional artists are featured each month. The fun and family-friendly atmosphere makes this monthly event suitable for the whole family.

For more information, please call (509)…

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Bird Banding Demonstration at Chamna Preserve, RichlandEnjoy the outdoors and commune with nature as you join the Bird Banding Demonstration at the Chamna Preserve in Richland, Wa on April 2. The event is set to take place at 9 to 11AM.

Bird Banding Demonstration
This demonstration will give you a chance to see wild birds up close and personal. You’ll also learn many new things about birds like how these are captured, identified, measured, recorded, and banded. You will also find out how such information is used to study bird behavior and population dynamics.

Ed Rykiel, from the Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Society, will conduct the demonstration. This is free for interested parties. For more information, please call (509) 942-7529.


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Kid’s Expo at KidSPOT, Kennewick WAKidSPOT is a private pediatric therapy practice located next to the Responding to Autism Center in Kennewick. This center is committed to meeting the needs of children in need of physical and occupational therapies.  

The facility focuses on providing highly individualized, multifaceted, and holistic treatment approaches to ensure that each child’s needs are addressed. 

KidSPOT’s Mission 
KidSPOT’s mission is to enhance the development of children, empower families, and educate the community by means of its innovative therapeutic programming in the Tri Cities area. 

Kid’s Expo 
On this note, KidSPOT will hold Kid’s EXPO, which is a fun and exciting way to bring families, various community services, and health care providers together. There will be…

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It’s April, so it only means one thing. The Jordan World Circus is back!  

Jordan World Circus The Jordan World Circus 2014 at TRAC Arena in Pasco
Featuring amazing performers from around the world, the Jordan World Circus – the only three-ring circus act in town – is guaranteed to entertain the whole family every single moment of the show.  

Brace yourself for death-defying aerial acts and animal attractions that include elephants and tigers. Aside from the animals’ performing acts, young fans will have the unique opportunity of riding and petting different types of animals.  

This is truly a fun circus that’s sure to thrill fans of all ages. 

Other Features of the Circus 
The circus also has several surprise in store for the audience – a human shooting out of a canon, camels, white tigers,…

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The RSC-AmeriCoprs will be holding the 9th Annual “I Love to Read” Poster Contest during their “Go WILD for Reading” literacy event. The said event will take place at the Richland Public Library on April 1. 

Who Can Join 
Children from K to 5th grade are encouraged to participate. So if you have a talented young artist in your family, have them create a poster with “I Love to Read” as underlying theme. All poster entries must be submitted by the child himself (accompanied by a guardian, of course) at the libraries in Pasco, Keewaydin, Union Street, West Richland, and Benton City Mid-Columbia. Of course, participants can also submit their posters at the Richland Public Library from April 1-3 between 12:30 and 4:15PM. The event is free. 

Contest Rules 

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Seventh Annual CCA Tri Cities Banquet Auction at TRACDon’t miss the Seventh Annual Coastal Conservation Association Banquet Auction happening at the TRAC on March 29. This banquet/auction is touted as the most entertaining, merchandise-filled party ever celebrated in the Tri Cities.

Coastal Conservation Association
The CCA is considered the most influential fisheries conservation group in the country. It focuses on enhancing local salmon and steelhead conservation and sport fishing and promotes the health of Tri Cities’ local fisheries. The organization also gives a voice to conservation-minded anglers or fishermen.

Purpose of the Event
The annual banquet/auction aims to raise funds for the continuous efforts of the CCA. The banquet, with Legacy Ford as title sponsor, will open at 4PM on Saturday,…

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Skookum Tri Cities at Southridge Sports Complex, KennewickThe word Skookum is actually a Chinook jargon that has a variety of positive meanings in English. It could mean good, strong, best, powerful, ultimate, and brave. To be called Skookum, you have to be a person with a purpose; a person on solid ground and is in good health and spirits. So, are you Skookum?

Are You Skookum?
To find out if you are Skookum, Dialed, Organized & Happy is bringing it to Tri Cities. The said event is aiming to bring together athletes who will compete in fitness challenge, weightlifting, and other combat sport disciplines for intense competition and bragging rights.

Save the Date
The event will take place at the Southridge Sports & Events Complex in Kennewick on March 29 from 9AM to 9PM. Admission fees are:

  • Day event –…

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Richland’s Badger Mountain Challenge 100-Mile Endurance RunDo you love a challenge? Do you think you’re tough enough to endure? If you answer yes to both questions, then the Badger Mountain Challenge 100-Mile Endurance Run is for you. It is also the qualifying race for the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc, so if you want to be part of such a prestigious race, make sure you’re present on the following dates.

Pre-race and Actual Race Day Activities

  • Thursday, March 27, from 12-7PM – Packet pick-up at Runner’s Soul in Kennewick.
  • Thursday, March 27, from 5-7PM – There will be a pre-race dinner; location, to be announced (so make sure you check their website regularly for updates). This is a wonderful opportunity to go over the course, meet fellow runners, ask questions, and just enjoy a good meal with the group.…

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