Astronomy Night And Star Party At The Reach In Richland, WashingtonOn Friday, October 16 everyone is invited to come and watch Astronomy Night at the REACH located at 1943 Columbia Park Trail in Richland, Washington from 6:00 until 11:00 in the evening.

Astronomy Night at the Reach Activities - Presentation - Star Party
The event will be featuring a LIVE remote in to the Moore Observatory. Members of the public will get to control the telescope from the REACH! There will also be Live Remote - CBC College Moore Observatory; Telescope Views - Tri-City Astronomy Club; Night Sky & Deep space Presentations, Crafts & Activities; Meteor Drop Challenge & Cookie Lunar Phases Activity; Make-&-take crafts - Mini Rocket Slingshots, Spaghetti and Mini-Marshmallows; Constellations, Astronaut Photo Frames, & Cosmic Splatter Paint Galaxies; and Live demonstrations on black holes, the gravity of other planets, & the physics of light travel.  

Special admission:
$3 per person, free to REACH members.  Check out the event’s Facebook page here.






Posted by Colleen D. Lane on


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